Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:
We take pride in helping our students with every step of the Carry Permit process. Here are a few of the frequent questions we receive. If you do not find your answer here, check our FAQ page or call us at 612-787-2264. We’re happy to help answer your questions!
Q: How do I get my Permit to Carry?
A: Take a state approved course (which is what we provide). After the course take your application and training certificate to the County Sheriff and apply for your permit.
Q: How do I register for a class?
A: You can register by phone 612-787-2264 or online on our Upcoming Classes page.
Q: Do I have to pay for my class now?
A: You can pay online with a debit or credit card or you can pay the day of the class cash or check.
Q: I (or my wife) is a new shooter and is worried about the shooting exercise. What does it consist of?
A: The qualification shoot will consist of shooting at a human silhouette target at a distance of 21 feet. We will have you shoot at the 2 inner most circles, which are located at chest of the target. The instructor is there to help with stance, grip, sight alignment ect. We are more concerned with safety than accuracy – keeping finger off the trigger, being able to safely load/unload the firearm, and to not muzzle sweeping yourself/others. We work with each student one-on-one to ensure everyone receives the proper attention and training during the qualification test.
Q: I lost / can’t find my certificate, now what do I do?
A: You will need to send a check for $10.00 to Chandler’s Conceal & Carry, 1807 Market Blvd #309, Hastings, MN 55033, with your name, address and contact information. We will send a replacement certificate to you, as long as you took your class within the past year. By law, training certificates expire 1 year from your course date.
Q: Does my permit to carry allow me to transport a long gun while it is loaded?
A: Your permit to carry will allow you to carry a loaded long gun in public, however when it comes to transporting the the long gun, you will need to have it cased and unloaded.
Q: I am traveling to “________”. Is my MN or WI or FL Permit good in this state?
A: You can find what states honor your permit on our Reciprocity page.
Q: I would like to take another course to become more familiar with my handgun, do you offer a beginners shooting class?
A: Yes! We offer multiple types of training opportunities for the beginner to the advanced shooter. Our Practical Pistol Skills (Level 1 and Level 2) courses are designed for all skill levels and will increase your knowledge, fundamentals, and defensive mindset. Please see our Course Info page for more details. Also, we offer private lessons by appointment. Please contact us if you have additional questions about these courses.