Carry Permit On-line Resources
/2 Comments/in Conceal and Carry Articles, EDC, Legal, Questions from Class, Training/by Chris ChandlerThere is a ton of on-line information for carry permit holders. Vlogs/Blogs, social media groups, podcasts, forums, manufacturer and retailer websites, YouTube channels, you name it. All covering anything from how to pick that carry firearm to the next big deal in tacticool underpants. I won’t go into that last bit but I’ve thrown a […]
To “conceal” or “not conceal” that is the question
/4 Comments/in Conceal and Carry Articles/by Steven HammerTo conceal or not conceal that is the question. The MCPPA certainly allows for you to carry your firearm in an open carry mode or concealed, I believe in this right and I support it as a personal choice, but from my own experience carrying concealed is the best option in most situations. Experts agree […]
The “Popcorn Shooting” and Stand Your Ground
/0 Comments/in Conceal and Carry Articles, EDC, Legal/by Chris ChandlerAndrew Branca, attorney, author of The Law of Self Defense and contributor at Legal Insurrection has posted a great article about how Stand Your Ground does not apply in the “Popcorn Shooting” hearings. If you’re not familiar with this incident, it involves an altercation between two men in a theater that resulted in one of them being shot and […]
Ladies, What should you wear to the range?
/3 Comments/in Conceal and Carry Articles, For Women Who Carry, Women Only/by Jamie HodgeWhat to wear? Let’s face it ladies, we ask ourselves this question WAY more then the men. I will be the first to admit that 99% of the time I live in jeans and a t-shirt, it’s just easy and comfortable. But, there is that 1% of me that is all girl, likes to wear […]
Women’s Carry Options – That don’t include a belt!
/2 Comments/in For Women Who Carry, Gadgets & Gear, Holsters, Women Only/by Jamie HodgeFor those of you that don’t know me, I am the Women’s Only Permit to Carry Instructor here at Chandler’s. I often get women in classes who say, “I don’t like to wear a belt, what other options to I have to carry?” Well today I would like to share some of those options with […]
So You want to take your Firearm with you on a trip and you’ll be flying. Here’s 10 tips that you need to know….
/0 Comments/in Conceal and Carry Articles/by Jay RohlkYou can fly with your gun! Just be sure that you follow your airlines and TSA policy. For example.. It must be declared and checked in as checked luggage. NOT AS CARRY ON LUGGAGE. Here’s 10 tips: Buy yourself a hard lockable safe. Preferably with holes for your own keyed padlocks. Don’t misplace your keys and don’t let […]
Carry Permit Holder dealing with Law Enforcement after an incident where LE is called or summoned.
/0 Comments/in Conceal and Carry Articles/by Chris ChandlerWhen it comes to dealing with Law Enforcement as a carry permit holder, there are some things you need to understand from the law enforcement side of the incident. The responding officers have limited information on what really happened. The only information they get is from dispatch and what the RP (caller) explained to […]
Firearms and Range Safety
/0 Comments/in Conceal and Carry Articles/by Jay RohlkFOUR UNIVERSAL SAFETY RULES Treat all guns as though they are ALWAYS LOADED, and always perform a clearance check every time you pick one up. Never point your weapon at anything you are not willing to destroy. Keep your finger OFF THE TRIGGER and outside the trigger guard until you are on target and have […]
So you want to get your permit to carry.
/0 Comments/in Conceal and Carry Articles/by Chris ChandlerI want a permit to carry…How do I go about doing that??? “I want to get my permit to carry… what do I have to do now? Where do I apply? What training do I need, do I need to get training? I saw a “Ban Guns” sign at a store, what should I do […]
Open Carry VS Conceal Carry
/0 Comments/in Conceal and Carry Articles/by Chris ChandlerWhen you first start to carry a pistol you have an important decision to make whether you will open carry or conceal carry. The MCPPA (Minnesota Citizen Personal Protection Act) allows you to carry open or concealed. You have to think about the pros and cons of both open carrying and conceal carrying when making your […]